Love this post over at Next Avenue, a PBS resource blog for adults.
One book seemed especially relevant for working homeschool parents, many of whom want to become freelancers:
The Freelancer's Bible: Everything You Need to Know to Have the Career of Your Dreams – On Your Terms by Sara Horowitz, the founder and executive director of the Freelancers Union who was just named a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, will show you the ropes of being a free agent. And if you’re thinking about becoming a freelancer or a consultant in 2013, you’ll be in good company. The United States is increasingly becoming a “gig economy”; by some estimates, nearly half of employed Americans will be freelance and temporary workers by 2020. The Freelancer’s Bible has real-world tips on how to set up shop and price your services as well as the best strategies for collecting on delinquent payments. I especially liked its advice on selecting a profitable market: “Match your skills, your metrics and your specialty ideas to what the market needs – not what you think they should need, but what they actually need.” Read More
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